Easter weekend and I have successfully ticked off one more task. Climbing up Pen Y Fan, the highest point in south Wales. As you will see from the above photo - 886 metres. Whether that means I have just walked up a mountain or just a very high hill I'll let you decide. But, it wasn't easy. Not for a relatively unfit person who partakes in a seriously ill-advised habit - smoking. But, I did it. With amazing encouragement and patience from my husband, and our foster-guide-dog-in-training Timber, who was particularly patient.

Pen Y Fan is situated well within the stunning Brecon Beacons and is a hugely popular walking destination. I was actually amazed just how many people were out and about on this, not exactly easy, walk. But, that's a good thing. It shows that rather than 100% of the population sitting about on ever increasing sized butts, it is still OK to don walking boots and thermals and get out into the Great British/Welsh countryside. Something I haven't done, unfortunately for some time. We used to go out regularly on country walks when we lived in Surrey but since living in Wales, not so much. One of the reasons I've embarked on this 50 challenge thing - to get off my backside and start doing things again. And I'm glad I have. People were SO friendly with a lot of 'good mornings' and 'lovely day for it' comments. Though I have to say the comments were mostly from people coming down rather than going up. On the ascent, people were all a bit quieter and concentrating on, in the words of the great Chic Murray (Scottish reference there) 'putting one foot in front of the other' - that's how I knew I was walking and it helped me concentrate on what was immediately before me. If I'd been looking up - to see what was in front - it would have been far harder.
But - I did it. I feel I have achieved something, and it wasn't easy. The feeling I had when I reached the top was amazing. I did feel proud. I've walked up Snowdon, but that was 20 years ago when I was obviously younger and fitter. To do this today with little preparation was good. And the views were to die for...
So, that's three tasks fully completed now. It's actually four but I won't say anything about that one until later when the recipients have received their 'letter'. But so far, feeling good.