Blog Archive

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Happy World Penguin Day! STARTED: No.41 - Celebrate a National or International 'Day Of' Something Each Month

Happy World Penguin Day!!! Task No.41 started - Celebrate a National or International 'Day Of' something each month. This is obviously going to run for the next year, the task that is, not World Penguin 'Day'.  Considering my historical and known love of penguins, this particular celebration just seemed like the perfect place to start.

There seems to have been a complete explosion in these celebratory, awareness days just over the last few years. Without even looking at the rest of April but just from today alone I could have chosen to celebrate National Hug A Plumber Day, National Telephone Day or even National Zucchini Bread Day - WTF? Still, over the next year the days I have chosen will often make sense, and others are just downright bonkers! You'll have to wait and see what they are.

But for this month, starting with something I love, I can say I celebrated by going into work with a black and white top, wore a pair of penguin socks and  I thought I would finally count the amount of penguin things in our house, I found 165. The following are part of this collection from 'Penguin Corner' and our fireplace:

My favourite photos though, and one of my bestest and most cherished memories comes from the time we clambered over rocks and boulders and eventually came across a secluded bay in South Africa. Me and Stewart were able to observe penguins seriously up close for hours. Loved that experience.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

DONE: No.2 - Write a Letter To My Mum and Dad With 50 Reasons Why I Love Them

This is possibly one of the best and loveliest and most enjoyable things I'll do all year.  I stuck to the '50 reasons' why I love my Mum and Dad but could have listed so much more. I'm incredibly lucky. I love my family so so much and without them I probably wouldn't be brave enough to even consider this crazy list.  Obviously I won't be able to share the letter and nor would it be at all interesting to anybody else anyway. 

What I can say is that if you have folk you love, tell them that you do. Tell them why, share memories, make sure it's all out in the open. We are a very open family but still, it is so good to know now that I have shared certain things with them and to hopefully have let them both know how much I so very, very much appreciate them. We had such a good conversation tonight reminiscing about things. Some surprising things came out which made it even more worthwhile.  How could I possibly do a birthday celebration without first of all thanking  the folk who made it all possible!!!  

Sunday, 16 April 2017

DONE: No.8 - Climb Pen Y Fan (highest point in South Wales

Easter weekend and I have successfully ticked off one more task.   Climbing up Pen Y Fan, the highest point in south Wales.  As you will see from the above photo - 886 metres.  Whether that means I have just walked up a mountain or just a very high hill I'll let you decide.  But, it wasn't easy.  Not for a relatively unfit person who partakes in a seriously ill-advised habit - smoking.   But, I did it.   With amazing encouragement and patience from my husband, and our foster-guide-dog-in-training Timber, who was particularly patient.

Pen Y Fan is situated well within the stunning Brecon Beacons and is a hugely popular walking destination.  I was actually amazed just how many people were out and about on this, not exactly easy, walk. But, that's a good thing.  It shows that rather than 100% of the population sitting about on ever increasing sized butts, it is still OK to don walking boots and thermals and get out into the Great British/Welsh countryside.  Something I haven't done, unfortunately for some time.   We used to go out regularly on country walks when we lived in Surrey but since living in Wales, not so much.   One of the reasons I've embarked on this 50 challenge thing - to get off my backside and start doing things again.  And I'm glad I have.   People were SO friendly with a lot of  'good mornings' and 'lovely day for it' comments.  Though I have to say the comments were mostly from people coming down rather than going up.  On the ascent, people were all a bit quieter and concentrating on, in the words of the great Chic Murray (Scottish reference there) 'putting one foot in front of the other' - that's how I knew I was walking and it helped me concentrate on what was immediately before me.  If I'd  been looking up - to see what was in front - it would have been far harder.

But - I did it.  I feel I have achieved something, and it wasn't easy.  The feeling I had when I reached the top was amazing.  I did feel proud.  I've walked up Snowdon, but that was 20 years ago when I was obviously younger and fitter.   To do this today with little preparation was good.  And the views were to die for...

So, that's three tasks fully completed now. It's actually four but I won't say anything about that one until later when the recipients have received their 'letter'.  But so far, feeling good.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

ATTEMPTED :No. 40 - Eat 50 Pickled Onions In 50 Minutes - FAIL

Well. My second complete task attempted and it turned out to be a surprising, epic fail.  The task was to eat 50 pickled onions in  50 minutes.  Up to now, they have always been one of my favourite snacking foods. From now on, probably not...They weren't even big ones, just the wee silverskin ones. How hard could it be?  Right enough when I counted them out I was surprised to see how big a pile they actually were.

I had actually felt guilty about including this as a 'task' in the first place as I very innocently thought it would be too easy and just really a chance to slot in another '50 of' type task.  The idea initially came about because a colleague challenged me to set a pickled onion Guinness World Record.   Currently, that record is 24 pickled onions in one, yes ONE minute. I kind of knew I wouldn't be able to do that but I was fairly confident this would still be a piece of p*ss, excuse the language. So, onions counted out, Stewart took this pre-attempt smug picture of one who thought this would be easy.

 I have to say, and it might surprise people to know, I have actually already been part of a successful Guinness World Record attempt. Many moons ago when I was still working in London, myself and a colleague - who for this purpose shall be called Lynn B -  dondered down to Trafalgar Square one spring evening to be part of the largest ever assembled Coconut Orchestra. It was organised by the Monty Python team behind Spamalot. In beautiful London sunshine we were all given very special pairs of coconuts and tutored as to how to coconut along to 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life'.' If you're interested it was April 23rd 2007 and can be found by googling 'largest ever coconut orchestra'.

Sorry, I totally digressed because there's not a lot else to say about this - started off nicely munching away but this was far harder than I thought it would be. I ate 41 and still had around 10 minutes to go when I knew it was over...they very quickly 'reappeared' and by the time they stopped 'reappearing' I'd ran out of time.  Couldn't have eaten another one anyway. Two days later and my tongue still feels as if it's burning.  I don't think I'll be going for any other extreme eating challenges any time soon.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

DONE: No.11 - Take Part In A Dog Walk With At Least 50 Other Dogs

So today I managed to complete my first task!  No 11: Take Part In A Dog Walk With At Least 50 Other Dogs.  We took part in the Great British Dog Walk at Margam Park, Port Talbot which was organised by, and for, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. To be fair, this was an easy and straightforward thing to do.  But, it was nice to have something easy that I can tick off quickly.  

For anybody who doesn't know, I have recently become a volunteer 'boarder' for Guide Dogs for the Blind and am currently looking after Timber, a guide dog in training.  Timber is 13 months old and at the moment in 'early training' for 16 weeks. Our role as 'boarders' is to take him to and from training - which coincides with our working day - and to look after him at all times outside those hours.   He goes to work basically while we do.  Early days, but I can say that although it is hard work, it is also hugely rewarding.  To learn about assistance dogs and the whole process involved in training them has been amazing.   We are involved in only a tiny way so I am completely full of awe and admiration for the actual trainers who can get these dogs to the point where they will be such help to their eventual owners.  In our case Timber will go on to a person with limited or no sight.   The dogs we went to support today will be of help to people with little to no hearing.    

So, to the actual day itself.   We arrived early, very early as it happens, signed in and Timber received his official bandanna.

Off we went, happily walking about freestlye for rather a long time.  Probably we walked around the park for one hour with a distance of a couple of miles - you can't exactly power walk and cover distance with an excitable puppy(ish) in tow.  He was constantly sniffing, constantly exploring, searching out so many new things.  Including wading through a ditch, much to Stewart's consternation.  In the space of an hour his pristine bandanna went from the above, to this:

But, a good time was being had by all.  Eventually, we saw a huge line of people with their dogs and realised that the actual dog walk had started. Had we actually listened to instructions we would have known about this but it didn't matter as we'd had an hour of fun on our own.  But, as soon as we saw the main event we jumped straight in.   It was great.   So many different people, so many different dogs all out in the sunshine, enjoying fresh air, some exercise and supporting the continuing work of amazing assistance dogs.   Something that has become very important to us.

So, one week in to the countdown to my 50th birthday and one task completed. I don't feel comfortable with calling it a 'task' right enough as it was just such an enjoyable and worthwhile day.   A very good start to the next 13 months!  Hope to be in touch again soon.


Sunday, 2 April 2017

And So The Challenge Begins

Well hello and welcome to my first ever blog! Why this blog? Well, I will reach my first half century next year, that's right, the big five-oh and rather than face it with fear, I've decided to grab it, run with it and have a ball. After all, it's a whole lot better to reach 50 than not! We know too many good people personally who never got there so I have absolutely no intention of moaning about being officially well into middle age.

With that in mind I have come up with the idea, not original as it turns out but who cares, to set myself a 50 before 50 challenge list and with this blog I begin a 13 month countdown. I actually had more than 50 possibilities but there has to be some sort of limit so 50 it is.  I think it's a nice number.  The list is a mixture of scary (for me) challenges, fun and silly things to do, new things to try and a hope that I will both a) get fit and b) be able raise some money for charity along the way. So without any further ado, here is the actual list. Hope you like it!

  1. Start a blog and write 50 posts - DONE
  2. Write a letter to my Mum and Dad letting them know at least 50 best memories - DONE
  3. Couch to 5k challenge - DONE
  4. Wing walk - DONE
  5. Make my own handmade soap - traditional and melt and pour - DONE
  6. Learn how to handle birds of prey - DONE
  7. Weatherman Walks - follow at least 50 miles worth of Derek Brockway's Welsh hikes - DONE
  8. Climb Pen Y Fan (highest point in South Wales) - DONE
  9. Compete in 50 pub quizzes - DONE
  10. Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k - DONE
  11. Take part in a dog walk with at least 50 other dogs - DONE
  12. Sheep wrangling - spend the day on a sheep farm - DONE
  13. Collect 50 shiny new pound coins and donate to charity - DONE
  14. Monthly International Culture Challenge - read a book by an international author every month and watch a foreign language film each month - DONE
  15. Be a 'Velonteer' at the Welsh Velothon - DONE
  16. WATCH 50 Kids TV Programmes from the 60s and 70s - DONE
  17. Have a go at glassblowing - DONE
  18. Take part in the Santa and Elf 5k dash - DONE
  19. Skinny Dip - DONE 😂 
  20. Try archery properly - DONE
  21.  Ride a Segway - DONE
  22. Can't Cook Won't Cook - the challenge my husband doesn't want me to do. Each month cook a meal using recipes from around the world - DONE
  23. Yo Sushi - Sushi School - learn how to make an international meal PROPERLY - DONE
  24. Firewalk - DONE
  25. Be an 'extra miler' at the Cardiff Half Marathon - DONE
  26. Climb over the top of the O2 - DONE
  27. Milk a cow - DONE
  28. Drive a tank - DONE
  29. 50 Shades of Pink photo challenge - take a photo of something pink every day for 50 days - DONE                 
  30. Grow strawberries, a sunflower....anything - DONE
  31. 'Mo' Run 5k - DONE
  32. Quadbiking - DONE
  33. Bake and decorate 50 cupcakes - DONE
  34. Canoe down the River Wye - DONE
  35. Light Up Cardiff 5k run - DONE
  36. Llanfairpg Cream Cracker Challenge - DONE
  37. Be a penguin zookeeper for a day - DONE
  38. Cardiff 10k Poppy Walk - DONE
  39. Horse ride along a beach - DONE
  40. Eat 50 pickled onions in 50 minutes - ATTEMPTED - FAILED!!!!
  41. Celebrate a National or International 'Day of' something each month - DONE
  42. 50 Good Deeds - DONE
  43. Big Zipper Challenge - go on the fastest zipwire in the world - and it's in Wales! - DONE
  44. Indoor skydive - DONE
  45. Processions March - to celebrate 100 Years of Women's Suffrage - DONE
  46. Abseil off the Newport Transporter Bridge - DONE
  47. Design and Carve a Silver Ring at the Made By Hand craft fair - DONE
  48. Snowboard - DONE
  49. Get 50 selfies from the challenges - DONE
  50. Complete the Cardiff Snowdog Trail - find 50 snowdogs or pups - DONE
So that's it. 50 things, 13 months to complete and it starts now!!! Watch this space t see how I do.



50 BEFORE 50 - DONE!   Ticked off, completed, done and dusted. April 2017 I loudly and brazenly proclaimed to Facebook my intention of c...