Blog Archive

Sunday, 9 April 2017

DONE: No.11 - Take Part In A Dog Walk With At Least 50 Other Dogs

So today I managed to complete my first task!  No 11: Take Part In A Dog Walk With At Least 50 Other Dogs.  We took part in the Great British Dog Walk at Margam Park, Port Talbot which was organised by, and for, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. To be fair, this was an easy and straightforward thing to do.  But, it was nice to have something easy that I can tick off quickly.  

For anybody who doesn't know, I have recently become a volunteer 'boarder' for Guide Dogs for the Blind and am currently looking after Timber, a guide dog in training.  Timber is 13 months old and at the moment in 'early training' for 16 weeks. Our role as 'boarders' is to take him to and from training - which coincides with our working day - and to look after him at all times outside those hours.   He goes to work basically while we do.  Early days, but I can say that although it is hard work, it is also hugely rewarding.  To learn about assistance dogs and the whole process involved in training them has been amazing.   We are involved in only a tiny way so I am completely full of awe and admiration for the actual trainers who can get these dogs to the point where they will be such help to their eventual owners.  In our case Timber will go on to a person with limited or no sight.   The dogs we went to support today will be of help to people with little to no hearing.    

So, to the actual day itself.   We arrived early, very early as it happens, signed in and Timber received his official bandanna.

Off we went, happily walking about freestlye for rather a long time.  Probably we walked around the park for one hour with a distance of a couple of miles - you can't exactly power walk and cover distance with an excitable puppy(ish) in tow.  He was constantly sniffing, constantly exploring, searching out so many new things.  Including wading through a ditch, much to Stewart's consternation.  In the space of an hour his pristine bandanna went from the above, to this:

But, a good time was being had by all.  Eventually, we saw a huge line of people with their dogs and realised that the actual dog walk had started. Had we actually listened to instructions we would have known about this but it didn't matter as we'd had an hour of fun on our own.  But, as soon as we saw the main event we jumped straight in.   It was great.   So many different people, so many different dogs all out in the sunshine, enjoying fresh air, some exercise and supporting the continuing work of amazing assistance dogs.   Something that has become very important to us.

So, one week in to the countdown to my 50th birthday and one task completed. I don't feel comfortable with calling it a 'task' right enough as it was just such an enjoyable and worthwhile day.   A very good start to the next 13 months!  Hope to be in touch again soon.


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50 BEFORE 50 - DONE!   Ticked off, completed, done and dusted. April 2017 I loudly and brazenly proclaimed to Facebook my intention of c...