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Tuesday, 12 June 2018

DONE: No.4 - Wing Walk!!!

Dun, dun, duuuun - the WINGWALK, the biggie, how this whole list thing started and the thing throughout the year I most wanted to do.  Climb up on top of a plane and stand on while it flies through the air at top speed.  Crazy?  Nah.....a piece of cake.

We drove to Rendcomb Aerodrome, Cirencester to do this with AeroSuperBatics who not only allow 'civilians' to have a go at wingwalking but also form part of the world's only formation wingwalking team.

First things first and you had to watch a 'safety' video which also outlined the potential risks, mainly of the plane catching fire or tipping over, or whatever...You do have the option to opt out after this video and get a full refund. Did the film put me off?  HELL no.  I've been dreaming of this for a loooong time.

Even though you are told to arrive at the airfield wearing tight clothing that won't flap about in the wind, I was given a flying suit anyway.  Not exactly flattering and a wee bit too big.

There were quite a few crazy folk, nutters, brave souls doing wingwalks for various reasons today so before I had my go, I got to watch a few flights.  Initially, in the literature, you're advised that you can opt for a 'sedate' flight, as opposed to a more adventurous flight.  There was no way Jose I was going sedate.  In fact, a huge disappointment for me was that I wouldn't be getting to do a loop the loop which I desperately wanted to do. But, apparently they never allow first timers to do aerobatics as they, and you, don't know how you're going to react to standing on top of a plane while it flies through the air at top speed - sounds just as crazy a statement the second time round doesn't it!  Anyways, I was a bit gutted with this. 
So, the time came for my turn.  Something I had worried about the most was that you have to be able to climb up on to the top of the plane completely unaided.  I'm a total short arse with wee stubby legs and I wasn't sure how I'd manage.  The planes are not exactly teeny.
But, I surprised myself.  Must have been the excitement or the adrenaline but I managed to haul myself fairly easily.

So, got strapped in, given ear plugs and gloves and pulled my goggles up.  Nearly ready to go.
The plane revs up and then trundles and bounces like buggery across a field, ain't no proper runway here, just a field.  This was possibly the most uncomfortable and unsafe feeling of the whole experience because I was getting really 'shoogled' around.  But, when we got to the end of the field, you get ready, you're told to hold your arms out wide and then, up, up and away.
It's difficult to say how it felt.  I wasn't particularly scared, this was something I wanted to do.  I also wasn't scared because all I had to do was stand there - it wasn't me in charge of the plane was it!  I think the bits I liked the most were the steep banks where he kind of went sideyways and then when he climbed steeply and did dives - they were my favourite bits.  When I was younger, and living in Leatherhead me and Stewart actually had annual season passes to Chessington, Thorpe Park and Alton Towers because we were rollercoaster freaks.  Think I wanted to experience that again.
And, one more.....
 Now, if you think you know what a wingwalk looks like now from the ground - d'you want to see some pictures from the plane!  There was a go-pro mounted on the wing to capture every single moment of fear, happiness, snot erupting from crevices - the wind really whips you and it's cold and you can't feel your nose or sniff so it just pours!  Betcha wouldn't have thought about that, I didn't!  I also do an amazing 'Creature Comforts - wide mouth tortoise impression!  Enjoy :)

Sorry this has been a long post but hope you've enjoyed it!  Lots of love, Lesley xxx

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